User Defined Function Reference

Below is a list of the user defined functions for catagory: Date Management.
Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.


User Defined Function Description
_DateAdd Calculates a new date based on a given date and add an interval.
_DateDayOfWeek Returns the name of the weekday, based on the specified day.
_DateDaysInMonth Returns the number of days in a month, based on the specified month and year.
_DateDiff Returns the difference between 2 dates, expressed in the type requested.
_DateIsLeapYear Checks a given year to see if it is a leap year.
_DateIsValid Checks the given date to determine if it is a valid date.
_DateTimeFormat Returns the date in the PC's regional settings format.
_DateTimeSplit Split a string containing Date and Time into two separate Arrays.
_DateToDayOfWeek Returns the weekdaynumber for a given date.
_DateToDayValue Returns the daynumber since since noon 4713 BC January 1 for a given Gregorian date.
_DayValueToDate Add the given days since noon 4713 BC January 1 and returns the Gregorian date.
_Now Returns the current Date and Time in PC's format.
_NowCalc Returns the current Date and Time in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS for use in date calculations.
_NowCalcDate Returns the current Date in format YYYY/MM/DD.
_NowDate Returns the current Date in the Pc's format.
_NowTime Returns the current Time in format HH:MM:SS.
_TicksToTime Converts the specified tick amount to hours, minutes, and seconds.
_TimeToTicks Converts the specified hours, minutes, and seconds to ticks.